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Peter Clarke
Content Portfolio
Writer | Editor | Content Manager | Content Strategist
Project Management: Trial Court Websites Migration
2019 - Present
Served as project manager on a multi-million dollar project to migrate California trial court websites onto new website templates. Directly managed a team of contractors to migrate, build, and launch the new websites. See: Napa, Santa Cruz, Alameda, etc.

FindLaw Writing Samples
2015 - 2019
SCOTUS Will Clarify 'One Person One Vote'
US Immigration Law: What If I Overstay My Visa?

Content Producer / UX Design: California Courts Self-Help
2019 - 2021
Contributed to the UX design and content production of the California courts' new Self-Help website. Before | After

Indiegogo Visual Sample
Infographic example developed while serving as Indiegogo's content manager:

FindLaw Visual & Audio Samples
Video (script writer)
Podcast (script editor)
Infographic (co-creator)

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